The Impossible | Ashtanga Yoga Demo by Laruga Glaser
Mind Influence Attitude Inc 
                                                                                          501 (C)(3) non-profit organization
We're in this together

Community Development Program


C.N.O. is a program whose mission is assisting residents of Calumet Heights at bridging the communication gap, one block at a time, learn to enforce political accountabillity and improve their interaction between police staff and law abiding residents who boldly call for law enforcement support.

Pride in ownership, love of life and freedom are the powerful human rights that fuel the engine of C.N.O. These rights are under siege by persons who look like us. Use of force laws are in favor of criminal perpetrators. Without effective and sustentative communication, we have nothing. We become prey. Our only legal option is to build the communication tool needed to consistently make a real time self-analysis of the crime pattern that plagues our community.

Lawabiding citizens who dare to call for police support and are willing to share additional information at crime scenes are made to feel like perpetrators of crime and our information discounted by those whose job it is to serve and protect. 

"We must sound the drums!" About good or bad......We must quickly share incidences that threaten the well--being and prosperity within our community.

With even greater zeal, we must show pride, support and promote the historical greatness of our community.


Calumet Heights is located on the southeast side of the city of Chicago. 

Calumet Heights is bounded by 87th street on the north, 95th street on the south, South Chicago Avenue on the east and the railroad lines on the west. 

It includes the neighborhoods of Calumet Heights and Pill Hill.

Calumet Heights area is 1.77 square miles and a population of 13,812. 2010 census.

Beginning with 91st and Constance Avenue, the geographical feature for which it was named Stony Hill that was once an island when glacial lake Chicago covered the area thousands of years ago.

Early pioneers gave this hill the name Stony Island because at a distance it looked like an island in set a trackless prairie sea. 

Holistically Educating People for the Empowerment of the Family

Neighborhood Block Clubs Work to 'Block Crime' (Community)
Block Club Chicago: Former DNAINFO Staffers Launch New Newsroom
Re-Imagining Block Clubs Pt. 2 (Community)
Power of Block Clubs (Community)
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
Teens Take On Block Club Signs' Project For Summer
5 Part Series Concerning the 
Issues in Our Communities
How the U.S. Government Segregated Chicago | [Inside Chicago, 
Part 1] (Documentary)
Why Chicago's Public School System Is Broken [Inside Chicago, 
Part 2] (Documentary)
Meet Ja'Mal Green, A Young Activist For Chicago's South Side [Inside Chicago, Part 3] (Documentary)
What People Get Wrong About Chicago [Inside Chicago, Part4 (Documentary)

Why American Public Schools Are Failing Students – Part 5 (Documentary)